
One-Line Bio

I'm a lot less than I want to be and a lot more than I used to be :)


(wow this is already 2 years old...I really should update it!)

TAH-DAH! Here I am! You really should never say never...I always said I would "never" do a blog. Why? I don't know, but as usual I'm sitting here eating my words. I'm good at that, so no harm done! I've decided that life is too short not to conquer all the things I want to learn, including, web-design and digital scrapbooking! A blog was a natural course of action to accomplish those! I love life and love the creative spirit I inherited from generations of wonderful women including, my mom and my Nanny (grandma), both accomplished artists in their own right. And so...hopefully I'll be able to develop some of that here. As they say... I'm just happy to be here!

If you want to know some crazy things about me keep on reading...if you'd rather not know, I suggest you hit your back button now. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Things that make me...well me!

*I saw the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie 13 times IN the theater
*My favorite movie of all time is “Singing in the Rain” some of my other absolute favorites; A Knights Tale, Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter Movies, The King and I, Anne of Green Gables (does that count?) and Lord of the Rings
*MUSIC!!! I must have music everywhere I go...or sit....or clean...some of my all time fav's...Michael Buble', Harry Connick Jr, Erasure, Enya and swing music
*Season tickets to Broadway Across America are an absolute must.
*HUGE Harry Potter Fan. LOVE all things Potter!
*I've owned my own Christmas stores in several of the Malls here in Arizona, called “Plum Personalized”
*I'm a Disneyland pass holder
*I paid for the first down payment on my house selling my “Beanie Baby” collection
*I've been teaching preschool the last five years , this is my last year teaching. (time to move on!)
*I collect watering cans, kitchen bowls, and “Smith and Hawken” style ducks and geese
*I was an Advanced director with The Pampered Chef for five years
*I grind my teeth when I sleep!
*I love the smell of desert rain
*I want to be a movie star. (just kidding)
*Once upon a time I designed a set of frames that made it into all of the Cracker Barrel Country stores! (not kidding!)
*I'm seriously in love with paper and stickers...I've been collecting stickers since I was 6 years old and I still have them... the original puffy ones, the “mood” stickers that would swirl around, scratch and sniff, unicorns, name it I've got it!
*My first car was a bright candy apple red VW bug
*I never finished college because I couldn't' focus on one subject long enough, I wanted to learn the “next thing!”
*I absolutely adore and admire my mom and sisters
*I grew up thinking that “The Muppets” was THE coolest thing television would ever offer during prime time
*I talk with my hands and I get crazy excited about good ideas
*OH and I dye my hair, yup I do, I do dye the do
*If it can fit in a "tote" it goes in a "tote" I'm like the organizing tote's a little ridiculous actually...

I'm sure as time goes by I'll add to this little list of quirks there are so very many.


digital scrapbooking, learning photoshop and web-design, teaching preschool, surfing blogs, reading, collecting real life scrapbook supplies i never use, decorating, collecting tin signs and vintage kitchen towels, drooling over cake stands, and of course organizing!