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Tangie Baxter Designs Blinkies

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October 29, 2007


Thanks Tangie! They complete my set ;)

Welcome back to the land o' the internet! I have truly missed you! :) I can't believe you will have 400 kids come for trick or treating. That is crazy! You should open up the candies and hand out only 1 of something to them. You know, 1 smartie from the smartie roll would at least spread out to 20 or so kids. Good luck! Did you help Samantha's emergency and get her a costume?
Thanks for the freebie! Love it!

400 KIDS???? Yeah, I would have had to budget the candy purchases over months for that many. Sounds like one piece per kid. That would be painful for me because I like to give out handfuls. I put a link to this blog entry on my blog so people can come see your freebie goodie.;)

Thanks for the fun freebie. And I can't believe that all those kids are coming by YOUR house! That sounds fun to me. We hardly get any kids...too bad!!

Love the snowflakes! My suggestions is to give out 1 Cheeto per child - ya know - a little salt n' cheese to offset all that sugar!

Thank God we're not celebrating Halloween here in Sweden. I can't emagine bringing home all those sweets. 400 kids! OMG!

Thank you for the freebie!

Again~ thanks for the free stuff! You are truly AMAZING!! lOVE tHE SPARKlY sNOwFlAKes

YAY You're back online! Love the freebies, but I have to wait a little bit before I can download them :( my harddrive is shrinking...need more space!!! i've already addressed the issue to my hubby. ha ha maybe early christmas present. LOL

That's a TON of kids to expect for your neighborhood! We got a lot of kids, but not that many!

yay! i love a freebie! and i spotted you on Andrea's blog of her party pictures where all the coolest people were! crazy with the candy for 400! and love the rules on the freebie use! good call!

finally downloaded the freebie! thank you! love all the sparklies!

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