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Tangie Baxter Designs Blinkies

« In the case against Tangie Baxter....we provide this new evidence! | Main | FOR REAL? »

January 27, 2008


That's funny! You must have "Pottah" on the brain. (that's how my 3 yr old is saying it)

Can I get put on their route?! That would be the best lessons that they would give! And perhaps Hermione is your Visiting teacher?! Love it Tangie!!

That's too funny! I have the worst dreams too! Love the new stuff in the store! I need to get working to get more goodies! Keep it comin!

Ummm...can't relate to the Potter thing - but that is quite hilarious.

So am I to assume that by the home teacher comment that you are LDS? I am too! COOL! Weird dream- I have some pretty crazy ones myself!

That sounds like something I would dream about. I come up with some doozy's. But having Harry and Ron in a dream, really wouldn't be so bad.

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