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March 03, 2008


Yay sister! Heres to givin' up the doctor! **raises glass of delicious water**

Oh my, you are a strong person!!! I wish I could kick the habit! Some day....:)

Sob ! I feel your Pain! You rock Babe!

Good for you!! Good luck, and I'll keep checking your cute ticker!

Oh- I miss you already dear sister! BUT I may not miss you quite as much as you'll miss the doc - good luck and happy hydrating!!

Oh! wow! good for you! you are way better than me already! good luck! and more power to you! WHOOHOO! ONE DAY THAT IS HUGE! last years effort was uber impressive too. you can do it!

You can do it!!! Go buy some "True Lime" and put a packet in your might help & I know you like lime :-)

Is Dr Pepper like crack, or once you've gotten over your addiction, can we celebrate with a nice cold one (a Dr. Pepper that is)? ;-)

Good luck- the only time I ever give up my Dr. Pepper addiction is when I'm preggo or nursing... as soon as the baby is weaned I'm hooked again!

Oh I feel your pain. Of course, I only traded down to sweet tea, so I'm still a work in progress.

UGH! I'm totally wishing I hadn't drank a Dr Pepper today. I really only drink one a month (at work when we have our monthly workshop, Dr Pepper is one of the drinks they offer with our afternoon snack at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building...which raises another caffeine at BYU, but they serve it at the JSMB downtown next to the church office building?!)
Anyway, I don't think my body is happy with me, because not long after drinking it I got a lovely headache. Odd how it can cause them & also help them (if I drink one after already having a headache).

Good for you Tang! I'll be cheering you on. The best part about it is that you already know you CAN do it! Cheers to H20 :)

You are a stronger woman than I am. Good for you! I've had a long relationship with him myself. He is my favorite too. :)

YEAH! good for you Tangie! Way too go! I will be here if you need someone to keep cheering you on!

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