Well we finally made the big leap into homeschooling.
Pauses while everyone lets the shock wear off.
And YES we've already gotten the age old judgments and first reactions that now my poor kid is going to be unsocial and ruined for life. Whilst I appreciate their concern and understand where the prejudice comes from; my OTHER concerns far out weighed the socialization my daughter gets in the 5 minutes between classes (not even enough time to use the ladies' room) and her 30 minute lunch hour (most of which is waiting in line for food). Most socialization in school comes from having amazing friends you go to art club with, or drama club with or go to_____ with...she has none of that AT school so really that reason holds no weight for me.
What does hold weight for me is that I'm pretty sure my 12-1/2 year old daughter has an ulcer and that she comes home sobbing almost every single day. She has always been extra sensitive to other people who are breaking the rules (since she was 3 she would hyperventilate if other kids were breaking the rules and wonder why they wouldn't behave). It hasn't changed, she sits in a classroom with kids who are goofing off, teachers that SCREAM at them, teachers who walk out on them because they are so frustrated that the kids "aren't getting it", kids swearing, doing 2+ hours of homework, stressing her poor self out about getting PAR...she was not made for the public Jr High school system. There are others who THRIVE in public school, they excel under pressure, they can blow off unruly kids without a thought, they have tons of friends, they think it's funny when the teacher blows a gasket. My child simply is not that person, and who am I to MAKE her be that person? How can you change a spirit into something they aren't? She simply can't handle the, what she perceives to be, negative environment she is trying to learn in (and she LOVES to learn). We are so worried about mainstreaming our kids that we have forgotten that they are each individually blessed with their own personality, strengths, learning styles etc. I am sure that if I had 5 kids I would be HAPPY to let some of them stay in public school if they were thriving in it with only the occasional bad day (we ALL have them, thank you very much!). That is just not the case with my Sam.
So the decision was researched, thought out and presented to her. We discussed the options we could all live with, and ultimately the choice was left 100% up to her. She chose homeschool, with a clear understanding of the work involved (this is not going to be some cake walk for her to laze around the days), and I'm proud of her for it, and she is free to change it back again if she wants!
We'll brace ourselves for the criticism of others because they do not understand and I will be forever grateful and so indebted to the people who do support us and know Samantha and can see how this would be a great solution for her.
In fact, she's already started her business plan tonight, she wants to learn how to sew clothes, make patterns and start her own business making American Girl Doll clothes to sell on Etsy. I'm pretty dang sure that is something there wouldn't be time for with all that homework & tummy aches...
(mom, mom, I must figure out how to build a background to photograph the clothes on, do you think I can take a photography class? mom, mom when can I start sewing lessons, mom is this where I read the rules about etsy....)
I love our life.
So here's to your success sweet girl in whatever you choose to do! I love you!
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