The Caravan is going strong again this year, so strong at times it seems I forget my personal little place here on the net (my blog). I do love my life so much and I feel so blessed I should share more of those thoughts. Life here is filled with the every day that makes life amazing, I love that Sam is home with me everyday, reading her life away in every book she can find, learning algerbra, writing stories, chatting with her cousin Madi. I'm in the studio living and working in a way that supports our family yet seems like playing every day! Dave is content at his job, he goes happily every morning to support us and I couldn't ask for better. We absolutely LOVE OUR HOUSE too and are so blessed to live here. Sure there have been some not so good times the last year, but life requires balance in all things, and so we can't expect there not to be--as I'm sure there will be in the future...We're just enjoying the ride! Happy 2011!