***EDIT***I'll fix this post in the morning (it's seriously 1:26 AM) but we have found out that you CAN make your photobucket albums private! SO as you read keep that in mind...as long as your album is set to private you may upload my products with the intent to use them in your blog template, but please remember you should still ALWAYS credit the designer! THANK YOU JULIE FOR ALL THE RESEARCH YOU DID FOR THIS!***
Chelsea left this comment on my previous post. I hope she doesn't mind my sharing it. I really appreciate this question and you are NOT stupid for asking! I really respect and admire people who are trying to do the right thing!
I had a question about using your stuff on blogs. I always just use photobucket stuff everyone else downloaded. No one ever puts who's it originally was. So I have never credited the downloader. I am probably sounding really stupid right now, but bear with me! :) Should I be crediting them? It's not their design though. Just wondering! And secondly, can we use your stuff on blogs? I am still learning...but the only way I know how to use stuff is putting it onto Photobucket. Would that mean that everyone in the world could have access to it? Is that allowed and okay? I am sorry to ask probably really dumb questions. I have always wanted to ask you because none of my friends know if it's allowed. And if it is allowed, your stuff is so dang cute I would love to play around with it! Alright..I'm done! Can't wait for your store!!
There is no easy sweet and friendly answer to this question. Because so many people do not understand copyright law, it gets violated a lot in the digital scrapping world. The simple and blunt answer is it is a federal crime to upload copyrighted stuff to photobucket with the specific intent, even if only implied, to share it or without permission of the copyright holder. Because photobucket can be used by anyone it's a really good idea to steer clear of anything on there. You can not upload my products on photobucket in their original form. You can only upload any layouts that you do as long as you give proper credit to tangiebaxter.com (this applies to all digital designers).
However, that being said...You CAN use my products on your blog, by directly uploading them from your computer into your blog template. Again you MUST Give credit to tangiebaxter.com or Tangie Baxter Designs with a link to my blog or store. This once again applies to all digital designers. It may be possible to use some sort of photosharing that is PRIVATE if you need to host your images somewhere other than your blog, but again they can't be "free for everyone to see or use". I think this may work with fliker but I'm not sure.
Please familiarize yourself with copyright laws and how it applies by visiting THIS BLOG.
I'm not trying to be on a "soap box" but it really is important to know the rules. Digital Scrapbooking supplies are under the same protection as music, movies and books. Plus to be honest, it's just so wonderful to give credit where credit is due. Designers work really hard, invest a lot of money in their education, software and tools. It's a real job, a real store etc. It's art and it's copyrighted.
The final point: Always credit the designer, never claim as your own, never upload any products (freebies or purchased) to photobucket or other photo sharing sites in their original form or through yahoo groups. What you download is yours and is for your personal use. :) Follow those simple steps and you'll always be in the right! And that is a good thing!
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