Journalfest was amazing! Truly. It was so great to be there with Dave--how grateful I am to have a husband that not only supports me 100% in my job with encouragement but he has a genuine desire to be a part of it and learn all he can to further not only his talents but help me develop mine. A girl was never, ever luckier in love.
So let the picture tour begin right?
First off this is our view from the rental car on the ferry from Edmunds to Kingston (you then drive the rest of the way to Port Townsend).

After a gorgeous drive we finally made it to Fort Warden State Park where Journalfest takes place.

Good to know they are organized...just in case...right?

By this time we were starving so we found the most cozy little restaurant downtown called "The Public House" ...special bonus? Yeah, you can color on the tables.
have you ever had this stuff? Holy Moly this is the REAL DEAL--the kind of root beer concoction that was brewed during prohibition! I couldn't even drink half of it--so rich and sweet with a hint of vanilla.

After lunch we went to check out the hotel and see what was in our Journalfest bags we got at registration. (I said this on my CT Blog post but it's worth saying again..this hotel SERIOUSLY needed some help--and the bedspreads...they were scary!)

I have no pictures of class the next day but it's the class dave and I took together called Expressive Drawing by Juliana Coles--it was super enlightening and REALLY stretched us! That night we were super tired so we opted not to go to the bonfire on the beach but instead -- ordered pizza delivery from the local "joint"--oh my heaven's look at this thing? It was deliciousness!!!

The next day I had a class called "Mapping Me" by Orly it was so amazing! I really enjoyed her deep insight to maps and how we can use them in our art journals!

here is mine on the floor with a couple of others during show and tell

Later that night was vendor night--we wer so excited we were approved to get a table for the second year in a row. It's not easy explaining "digital" to people who mostly do hands on but we had a great year once again and I hope everyone loves their collage sheets!

The next day at lunch dave took the camera down to the beach (I stayed in my Wild Joyful Journaling class with Leisel Lund because I wanted to keep working on my book!)

Here was a quick snap shot of my book way in the begining of class (it turned out to be my favorite project of the weekend when the outside was finished!)

the only finished picture I have is this one..mine is in the top row second from the left.

I couldn't beleive it was already the last day! I have admit I was pretty sad it was ending--but at least there was still the Masquerade Party (sadly Dave and I were total party poopers and didn't get masks made in time!) I honestly don't have a single good picture of the party but trust me it was a hoot to see everyone dressed up! We all journaled for 3+ hours.

Dave and I working on our Journals at the party...

Then it really was over...sniff sniff sniff. At least we had another few days in Seattle to console ourselves with :)
The next morning we're loading on the ferry to go back to Seattle...

We weren't really sure what we were going to do when we got to Seattle just play it by ear, we decided to drive by the "Space Needle" when all of the sudden I saw it....oh my goodness I was sooooooo excited! Of all the good luck the Harry Potter Exhibition was at the Science Center!!!!! I couldn't believe they had tickets available for that day! We got right in on a fluke--so cool! They wouldn't let us take ANY pictures but it was it was truly an amazing expierance!

Then we went and toured the Butterly House which was completely enchanting--to have butterflies just land on you! They are such amazing creatures.

Look at this tree! I've never seen anything like it--I could just imagine generations of tiny fairies & pixies living here.

That night we went to our new hotel in Seattle--finally civilaztion, a comfy bed & REAL pillows not to mention no scary bedspreads here!

looking "down" out the window from the 22nd floor (I've stayed in the Peach Tree in Atlanta, GA so this was not even close to the highest up I've stayed)

The next day was a very cold, rainy Seattle day but we braved the ever famous and INCREDIBLE Pike's Market.

And then we came home. It went much too fast--as time seems to be doing as of late. The truth is Dave and I missed our sweet Samantha girl and were glad to be coming home to see her. Thanks so much to my mom and sister for taking such good care of her while we were gone--I left a child and came home to a teenager. It's amazing to me she's really 13. What an incredible trip and how lucky I am to come home to such wonderful friends and family.
{The End}.
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